Revelation Before A Brave New World
Meaning of the Number 9
The Year 2025: 2+2+5 = 9
Numerologically, nine signifies a magnified completion, or as some say, the triple completion; the number of wisdom, resulting from the completion of a full cycle before we begin again with 10 or 1. In alchemy, this meant a synthesis of the physical/intellectual/spiritual within a cosmology that also had three separate planes of existence (3×3). In Christian tradition, nine symbolized the Holy Ghost and, often, a group/choir of angels. In mystic Hebrew tradition, nine symbolized Truth because when multiplied it reproduces itself.
Nine also denotes rebirth, inspiration, and restoration.
The energy of the number nine is a higher order of the number three – being a powerful number, incorruptible, representing attainment and fulfillment. It is spiritual and mental achievement. Nine is the number of mankind, symbolizing the nine months of gestation before physical birth. In the Eleusinian Mysteries, there were nine spheres through which the consciousness had to pass before it could be born anew.
Nine is represented by an inverted triangle within an upright triangle, expressing the union of opposites.
“The Cosmic Pattern:
The number nine represents the Beginning and the End of all human experience and mankind’s last earthly lesson: Forgiveness” *
- It is the Force of the outgoing number One
- the Light and the Peace of the number Two
- the imagination of the number Three
- the Form and Order of the number Four
- the Life and Progress of the number Five
- the Responsibility of the number Six
- the Intelligence and Perfection of the number Seven
- the Judgment of the number Eight
- the Compassion and Benevolence of the number Nine
Global Influence
The mantra for 2025 is forgiveness, compassion, and restoration. Disappointments may color the experiences of a number nine year. However, awakened to the greater radiating harmony of compassion and understanding, our planet of humanity can be restored into a more global unity. When this begins to happen, then the cycle of life becomes a glorious experience for the number Nine. We are entering this cycle. And it’s a bumpy ride.
2025 is the year of exposure that will begin to open the door to full revelation. This is the year that will more clearly reveal to most people our descent into some darker corners of the universe. The greater freedoms of democracy are being challenged and appear to be eroding. Many freedoms have been gained over the last fifty years, yet some are being revoked. So much innovation and beautiful work to heal our global climate and to protect the nature that is us, have been underway for years as well, but are now in danger of being reversed.
It appears that when humanity is on the verge of an ascent into a more inclusive and higher civilized spiritual level of consciousness in any given time in history, there have been those forces who will focus their energy in doing everything to turn back the hands of humanity’s evolution because of the fear of losing control and fear of the unknown, which projects into anger and outrage to amplify and empower fear. Beneath all anger is fear. It is the illusion that hides the fear of not having something or not being able to control something or someone. It takes huge space energetically, yet is a superficial activity that contains little true context with the inability to discern – to question why, what, where, and when of our inner selves and what drives our fear.
Realities can be altered by simply feeding people negative thoughts, and those thoughts create a new template of reality. Of course, the same reality creation occurs with positive thoughts. So, continued thought forms on either the dark or light spectrum can attract those energies and manifest themselves in the world. We are co-creators of the world we live in.
Sometimes darkness wins. It has its time. And there is always purpose in this. It’s within a period of decline that the seeds of higher consciousness continue to gestate to be born again, once we personally learn, experience, and feel the loss of individual freedoms. We do live in the 3rd physical dimension of duality, after all – light and dark. One of the earliest examples of a representative democracy failing in ancient Rome became the Fall of the Roman Empire. We also remember the birth of the great Renaissance that herald in advancements in philosophy, science, literature, art, architecture, the development of the welfare of mankind, and the incarnations of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. All that following a long period of the Dark Ages, which included the fall of Rome. More recently in history, the descent into darkness that created World War II. In the history of humanity’s evolution there have been cyclical births, golden ages, and the fall into a dark age.
We’ve been losing the ability to problem solve with the intent for a mutually beneficial outcome, which points to the loss of the ability to rationally inquire. We’ve weakened our ability to question and receive the full context of a situation. Instead, we tend to believe everything that is fed us, becoming robotic-like, mindlessly following whatever information is given.
It takes courage to create our own space in the world that doesn’t interfere with another’s freedom. It’s so much easier to follow, but the price of simply being a follower usually means submission. This is currently our danger.
We can misplace the idea of true justice that always contains the component of human compassion – a higher awareness of the civility for all. In places, religion has failed us. Politics has failed us. They have both instead become a combined force for control though obedience, fear, hate, and lies. A dangerous alliance has been formed to pit the natural, diverse, creative energies of humanity against itself by demonizing individuality and independence of thought. We may be repeating the downfall of Rome, or we will wake up on the edge of time and change this path. It’s up to us.
Those figure heads who have won a spot of leadership for their own personal gains and grandeur will actually be the conduits that bring the world community back together in an awakening, because their actions will be personally felt by all people, not just a few. There will be a ripple effect of clarity where the veil will begin to come down and reveal who these figure heads really are. This begins to amass in 2025.
We must now become more than what we believe ourselves to be. We must become healers in the world – to heal ourselves so that we can support healing in others. It is upon us now to seek knowledge, have understanding, be compassionate, and forgive. Our families, communities, our work, and the planet, all depend on it. We must also embrace the power within each one of us to courageously move forward, with our individual gifts and talents and share those. There is a brave new world awaiting us on the horizon of our hope and positive actions. This, I can promise.
Individual Influence
To determine if this is a number 9year for you personally, add the digit of our birth month and the digit of our day of birth to the digit of the current year. This rule is the same for everyone. Here’s an example on how to figure it:
Birth month is February = (2) Birth day is 16 = (1+6=7) Current year is 2025 = (9)
Total: 2 + 7 + 9 = 18 = 9
2025 will bring many things to a crescendo for you. The number nine energy of your personal year is also magnified with the nine energies globally. You’ll realize a completion and also the fulfillment of some of your dreams because you are now closing a cycle of experience that began nine years ago, leading to new beginnings and a fresh start for 2026. Completion shouldn’t be viewed as a sorrow in the long run. It’s in reality a reward as you open the way to new opportunities and new interests in life. This could involve relationships, work and projects. Even relocation. During this year, it is important to be ready and willing to let go of the old and undesirable parts of your life to make way for the real and worthwhile. It’s imperative for your personal growth to make a definite effort to be done with things that have no further value. Think of those things or behaviors that take your energy and leave you drained, angry, and unfulfilled. Say adios and thank you for the lesson!
Be tolerant, compassionate, and most of all, forgiving, as these components set the stage for release and freedom. In doing so, you just may find this one of the most wonderful years of your life! Nine energy is the spirit of the humanitarian. I think of the words release and freedom for you. There may also be a financial reward or assistance in loving appreciation for hard work done.
Give life a chance to help you out. Keep an open mind to broader interests and larger activities which can be visualized now, even though not born until the new cycle opens up next year, because the tide of life is out rather than in this year. Make these interests of universal nature and avoid being small, personal, and selfish, because this could lead to disappointment.
It’s important to know the facts of some issues and to ask questions, especially of yourself, in order to navigate your own life by informed choice, instead of following others. 2025 is the year to be done with merely following and have a laser focus on your choices for freedom through factual knowledge. Be cooperative and generous in your thoughts and feelings without weakening your personal boundaries. There is something for you to do in order to help others straighten out their affairs, just as long as you don’t get personally enmeshed. Kindly helping others brings out the humanitarian in you and your reward is a peaceful joy, hope, and a deeper kinship with your fellow beings.
Don’t overwork. Be sure to take a vacation and balance your energy. Self-care is vital for you this year, so take good care of all aspects of yourself. If something goes out of your life, let it go, for it is clearing the way to your future happiness and good. By the end of 2025, you can tell yourself, “Great Job!” with a satisfying smile on your face, because something inside of you knew you could do it all along…
Triza Schultz Copyright © 2025 Permission by author to copy articles in their entirety only
*Cosmic Pattern table from Juno Jordan’s book, Numerology
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